
NA TERAZ PROSZĘ 90 PK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uzupełnij warunkiem 1 i 0
1. If it
(nie będzie padało) on Sunday, we
(będziemy mieć) picnic by the river.

2. If she
(nie zda) her exams in May, her parents
(będą) furious.

3. I always
(pożyczam) my brother some money if he
(prosi) me.

4. If I
(mam) problems with my car, my cousin always
(pomaga) me.

5. If he
(wyjdzie) now, he
(złapie) the last bus.

6. I always
(mam) a cold if I
(nie noszę) a warm cap.

7. If you
(nie oddasz) this book to the library tomorrow, you
(zapłacisz) a fine.

8. If I
(tęsknię) my fiancé, I
(dzwonię) him every day.

9. She
(nie dostanie) this job if she
(nie przyjdzie)to an interview tomorrow.

10. I
(będę) disappointed if my boss
(nie da) me a pay rise soon!

Odpowiedź :


1. If it doesn't rain on Sunday, we will have a picnic by the river.

2. If she doesn't pass her exams in May, her parents will be furious.

3. I always lend my brother some money if he asks me.

4. If I have problems with my car, my cousin always helps me.

5. If he leaves now, he will catch the last bus.

6. I always have a cold if i don't wear a warm cap.

7. If you don't pass this book to the library tomorrow, you will pay a fine.

8. If I miss my fiance, I call him every day.

9. She won't get this job if she doesn't come to an interview tomorrow.

10. I will be disappointed if my boss doesn't give me a pay rise soon.


Zero conditional - tylko w przypadku kiedy cos jest zawsze prawda, o zwyczajach

If + Present Simple + Present Simple

First conditional - o sytuacjach przyszlych, mozliwych i realnych

If + Present Simple + Future Simple

Witaj :)

1. If it doesn't rain on Sunday, we will have picnic by the river.

2. If she doesn't pass her exams in May, her parents will be furious.

3. I lend my brother some money if he asks me.

4. If I have problems with my car, my cousin always helps me.

5. If he leaves now, he will catch the last bus.

6. I always have a cold I don't wear a warm cap.

7. If you don't give back this book to the library tomorrow, you will pay a fine.

8. If I miss my fiancé, I call him every day.

9. She won't get this job if she doesn't come to an interview tomorrow.

10. I will be disappoined if my boss doesn't give me a pay rise soon!