
Błagam niech ktoś w tym pomoże. Daję 50 punktów i naj!
Zadanie w załaczniku ( min 8 zdań)​

Błagam Niech Ktoś W Tym Pomoże Daję 50 Punktów I NajZadanie W Załaczniku Min 8 Zdań class=

Odpowiedź :

You have to hit the ball into the opponent's field with your hands to score a point. You must score 25 points to win the set and win two or three sets to win the match. The serve has to be done with just one hand. The team can't hit the ball more than 3 times before it passes the net. You can't hit the ball twice in succession. You can't catch, hold or throw the ball. You can touch the ball with any part of your body. The ball shouldn't hit the antannae, the floor outside the court, the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole or the ceiling above a non-playable area.
