
J. Angielski
Chcesz zachęcić koleżanki i kolegów ze szkoły do wspólnego posprzątania plaży. Napisz ogłoszenie, w którym:

podasz datę, miejsce i godzinę wydarzenia,

opiszesz, co bedziecie robić i jakie będą dodatkowe atrakcje,

napiszesz, dlaczego sprzątanie plaży jest ważne.
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My summer vacation was fantastic! In July, my whole family went to the United States. We visited some family in Miami and also flew to see New York. The flight from Warsaw to Miami was quite long. We had a three-hour layover in Amsterdam – that was pretty tiring. In Miami, we stayed at The W hotel. It’s a very luxurious hotel right on the beach. The W not only has a very nice pool and spa, but also has fantastic restaurants. My favorite restaurant was The Dutch – a seafood restaurant with a decent selection of oysters and other seafood. The best part is that you get oysters for half price if you go there at 6:30 p.m. So of course, we went every day!
