
Rozwiąż przykłady 1-10 (zdjecie)

Rozwiąż Przykłady 110 Zdjecie class=

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1. We all need to rethink the way in which we use energy these days.

2. Failure to pay your phone bill may lead to your phone being disconnected.

3. By middle school, David had begun to outshine his classmates in track and field events.

4. When it comes to cleaning your home, always buy safe, non-toxic products.

5. His parents knew early on that he would grow up to be a man of greatness.

6. We were unsure about what to order so we asked the waiter for his suggestion.

7. The director has booked a(n) transatlantic flight from London to New York.

8. Our teacher warned us that too much exposure to the sun could cause cancer.

9. It is possible to defrost meat using a microwave.

10. David Filo and Jerry Yang are the co-founders of YAHOO.