
Czy byłby ktoś w stanie napisać ten dialog po angielsku?
A: Chcesz zacząć uprawiać nowy sport, ale nie wiesz, jaką dyscyplinę wybrać.
B: Poleć A jakiś sport.
A: Dowiedz się o powody polecania właśnie tego sportu.
B: Uzasadnij swoją odpowiedź.
A: Poproś o radę dotycząca sprzętu.
B: Udziel rady.
A: Poproś o radę dotycząca treningów.
B: Udziel rady.​

Odpowiedź :

-I would love to pick up a new sport, but I'm not sure which one would be right for me. There's so mamy disciplines! Do have any advice for me?

-I think you should try swimming.

-It sounds interesting. Why do think it would be right for me?

-You live near a nice public swimming pool. They have free swimming lessons there every saturday. It also doesn't require expensive equipment. We could start going swimming together!

-Sounds great! I don't have a swimsuit. Could you recommend me a good swimsuit?

-The ABC brand has affordable and comfortable swimsuits. They also have good swimming goggles. You can get them at the sports store in our town.

-How often should I train my swimming skills? Is there anything I need to focus on during the lessons?

-You can train as often as you like, but one lesson every week should be enough. Try to learn how to hold in your breath underwater. Please, don't give up if you won't be good at swimming right away. Have fun!