
Napisz dialog miedzy przyjaciółmi którzy chcą zamówić jedzenie. Dialog musi zawierać: did she? hasn’t he? isn’t it? shall we? will you?

Odpowiedź :


A; hey Anna, what would you like to eat?

B: I don't know. maybe  pizza

A: look ! there is Paula. she  just ate pizza too.

B: Did she eat whole pizza?

A: yes she did . i just saw her. she came to restaurant with her boyfriend Sam.

he was sitting with Paula and he was typeing something on his blue phone.

B: wait, he has red phone, hasn't he?

A: oh actually I don't know maybe it was not his phone. but hey it is a new iphone, isn't it?

B: yeah i think it is. ok so i think i will order a pizza. will you eat this with me?

A: of course.  And shall we say hi to Paula and Sam?

B: we will say hi after our meal, ok?

A: ok.
