
Proszę o pomoc pilne na dzisiaj .

ZADANIE 10 /3 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki 10.1-10.3, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości: A, B lub C, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

Wallace and Gromit are two characters that appear in animated films by Nick Park, made his first film about them in 1985. Their lives are full of adventures, There is always 10.1 wrong with his inventions and he gets into trouble. Wallace's best friend is Gromit, an intelligent dog that helps Wallace when he has problems.


great fun and funny accidents.

Wallace is an inventor and his house is full of strange vehicles which he builds himself.

These two unusual individuals are much loved all over the world. But the best place

to see them is Bristol. When you 10.3 there, you'll find their statues everywhere

in the street, on the boats, in shops.


A which

B who

C where


A anything

B something

C nothing


A go

B will go

C are going

Proszę O Pomoc Pilne Na Dzisiaj ZADANIE 10 3 Przeczytaj Poniższy Tekst Uzupełnij Luki 101103 Wybierając Jedną Z Podanych Możliwości A B Lub C Tak Aby Otrzymać L class=