
Niedawno zmieniłaś / zmieniłeś szkołę. Napisz list do koleżanki / kolegi, w którym:

poinformujesz o powodzie zmiany szkoły,
napiszesz, co się Tobie podoba w nowej szkole,
poinformujesz o nowo zawartych znajomościach,
zaproponujesz spotkanie i poznanie Twoich nowych koleżanek / kolegów.

Pamiętaj, aby rozwijać wszystkie punkty z polecenia. Długość pracy: 80- 130 słów

Odpowiedź :



Recently I changed my school. I did it, because in my old one the teachers were terrible! They were very angry all the time and couldn't even teach us anything.

In my new school I like a lot of things. We have a huge football pitch and a canteen with tasty food. The teachers are also way better. I love it!

I met a few new people. For example my new friend Jess, she's great. We have the same interests and I think you'd like her.

I'll try to arrange a meeting on Saturday morning. Let me know if you want to go.

How have you been in your school?



Liczba słów: 117

