
pomoże ktoś? mam to na dziś. Tekst w załączniku NAJJ I 20 PT
3 Read sentenece 1.8. Write answers A, B or C.
A= The sentence is true. The information is in the text.
B = The sentence is false. The information is in the text.
C= We don't know it's true or false. The information
isn't in the text,
1 The Plastiki is made of the same material as other boats.
2 Nowadays, humans recycle most of their plastic bottles.
3 The boat doesn't use renewable energy-
4 The crew only ate vegetables for the whole journey.
5 Plastic in the sea is killing animals.
6 The size of the 'Great Garbage Patch' is growing.
7. Some people criticised De Rothschild and his journey.
8 De Rothschild wants to sail the Plastiki again one day,​

Pomoże Ktoś Mam To Na Dziś Tekst W Załączniku NAJJ I 20 PT3 Read Sentenece 18 Write Answers A B Or CA The Sentence Is True The Information Is In The TextB The S class=