
PLS Pomurzcie KLASA 5

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij zdania. Pozostałe luki uzupełnij słowami z ramki. ……/10

arrived got off left foot took travelled

0 Dad travelled to London yesterday. He went there by car.

1 I go to school on ___________. I like walking.

2 Uncle Stan loves riding his ___. It’s fast and exciting.

3 They went to Paris by _______. They ______ there at eleven o’clock.

4 Anna went to the island by ___________. She ___________ the house early this morning.

5 I got on the ___________ at five past nine and ___________ at thirteen minutes past ten.

6 Howard ___________ the number 59 ___________ to work this morning.

Odpowiedź :

1. foot
2. bike
3. train, left

ogólnie to nie podałeś/aś wyrazów z ramki wiec postawiłam to co uważałam ze będzie pasowało