
Napiszcie po angielsku rzeczy które możemy i nie robimy w internecie.Zastosujcie Do i Don't czyli tryb rozkazujący + czasownik w formie podstawowej (minimum po 3 zdania z Do i 3 z Don’t) Dzięki

Odpowiedź :


[Wstęp i koniec możesz dodać, albo nie xD]

Hi everyone, today we will be talking about what to do and don't do in the internet

The first thing you definetly don't do in the internet is share private information, by private informations I mean things like your adress or/and name. The second thing you don't is online date, you never know who's on the other side of the screen. The third and probably the last thing you don't cyber bully, what can I say? Cyber bullying is like normal bullying but online, if you call someone a mean nickname and they don't like it, its cyber bullying.

   Now what to do[?] in the internet? You could make friends, its really cool to have friends. The second thing you can do is post funny video, memes, and post things like this, as long as they aren't controversial or against the app rules. The third thing you can and should do is help other people, by helping I mean by helping them understand the game / app.

  So that's what you can do in the internet :)


Mam nadzieje że pomogłam i ogólnie przepraszam za jakiekolwiek błędy