Widzę, że masz parę błędów. Pomogę ci je naprawić.
Zad 4.
2. Dad doesn't wake up early if he goes to bed late.
3. If my brother makes too much noise, pur neighbours are upset.
4. If you press that button, the light turns* on.
5. They always play in the park if they don't have any homework.
6. My parents are dissapointed if I don't work hard at school.
Zad 5.
1. If I have a headache, I go to bed
2. If I feel bored, I play computer games.
3. If I don't do my homework, my teacher gives me a minus.
4. If I watch frightening film, I can't sleep.
5. I feel nervous when I don't have homework, and my teacher is angry.
Zad 6.
Dialog 1.
Tom: Why are you wearing a sweather?
Ben: I lways wear a sweather if it's cold.
Tom: But it isn't cold today!
Dialog 2.
Teacher: What happens if we mix red and blue?
Student: When we mix red and purple, it makes purple.
Teacher: That's right!
Dialog 3.
Mandy: It's always hot in our classroom. Do you have the same problem at your school?
Jed: Not really. If it's too hot in class, I turn on the air conditioning.
Mandy: Does your school have air conditioning? You're really lucky!
*tej opcji nie ma w podręczniku, ale inne nie pasują. Jeśli będzie źle, to bardzo przepraszam.
Miłego dnia!