
Proszę o pomoc w zadaniach ktoś pomoże mi zrobić zadanie WAŻNE jest to

Zadanie 1

Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania rozwijając swoją wypowiedź, czyli podając co najmniej 3 argumenty (9 pkt.)

1.What do you have to do at school? __________________________________________________


2. What is your favourite gadget? Why? _______________________________________________


3. Where do your family usually have dinner? ___________________________________________

Zadanie 2

Wysłuchaj rozmowy pomiędzy Danem, Chloe oraz Aishą i zdecyduj, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F) (5 pkt.)

Chloe and Dan's mum always works on Saturdays.            _____

Chloe thinks doing jobs in the house is fun.                _____

Aisha does several things to help at home.                _____

Dan and Chloe always clean the bathroom.                _____

Aisha offers to help Dan and Chloe.                    _____

Zadanie 3

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst za pomocą: have to, don't have to lub mustn't (8 pkt.)

There are lots of different school rules around the world. At many UK schools, you ________ take photos or videos of students. If you come to watch a school play, you _________ leave your camera at home. Some state schools have links to a church. Students _________ go to a religious assembly every morning. In France it's the opposite. There _________ be anything religious in French state schools. Students can wear their normal clothes – they _________ wear a uniform – but they _________ wear any religious symbols. In the USA, many students make a special promise to the American flag every morning. They _________ say the promise if they don't want to – but most of them do it! They _________ stand up and put their hand on their heart. 

Zadanie 4

Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź (6 pkt.)

Excuse me, Madam, you must/mustn't park here. It says „No Parking”

We mustn't/needn't go out if you're tired. We can watch a film at home. 

You mustn't/needn't forget to phone Alfie. He needs to talk to you. 

You mustn't/needn't go to the library for the book – you can use my copy. 

Sally, you know you mustn't/needn't wear jewellery at school. Take those rings off!

John, you must/needn't do at least three hours of piano practice before your exam. 

Zadanie 5

Wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub C, aby pary poniższych zdań uzupełnić tym samym słowem (5 pkt.)

1. Jane, can you _____ the ironing, please?        We must ______ the shopping on the way home.

    A – do            B – make        C – have

2. A letter came for you in _____ this morning.    Did you ______ a comment on my blog?

    A – message        B – mail        C – post 

3. The housework is going to _____ a long time.    Jack, can you _____ the rubbish out, please?

    A – put            B – want        C – take 

4. Harry, please tidy your room and _____ your bed.     If you're hungry, I can _______ lunch.

    A – take        B – make        C – have 

5. At weekends, I always have to ____ the dog.    It's a 15-minute ____ to school – one kilometre.

    A – feed        B – walk         C – need 

Zadanie 6

Wybierz opcję A, B lub C, która najlepiej zastępuje zwrot wytłuszczony (5 pkt.)

My sister and I get on well and we never really have arguments.

    A – disagree            B – work together        C – help each other

I can play computer games whenever I want. My parents are pretty easy-going about things like that.

    A – relaxed            B – stressed            C – strict

Our football team do well because we all have a common goal. 

    A – a lot in common        B – the same ambition    C – a lot of support

Dad, I can't do this maths exercise! Can you give me a hand?

    A – give something to me    B – help me            C – pay attention to me

This project will only succeed if we co-operate. 

    A – work hard            B – are independent        C – work together​

Odpowiedź :



1. I have to pay attention in my class

 I have to be nice to the teachers and my classmates

  I have to do my homework

2. My favourite gadget is my phone . I can use it to talk to my friends, to take photos and to use it as my alarm clock

3. We usually have dinner in the dining room

ZAD. 2

