
W e-mailu do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii opisz wydarzenie szkolne, w którym brałeś udział (może to być wycieczka szkolna, festyn szkolny, apel, wigilia klasowa lub inne). Napisz:

kiedy odbywało się wydarzenie

jaki był jego przebieg (pamiętaj, użyj: first, next….)

jakie wywarło ono na Tobie wrażenie.

Odpowiedź :


Hi Tom!

How are you? Sorry for not texting you, I just came back from our school trip to Zakopane. It was to short for me! So much people missed their family, but my mum is luckily a teacher so I met her everyday! So first we went to market so everyone will have what they need before going to bus. When we were done, we enterned the bus and our teacher noticed we don't have one person with us, it was one of our new classmates! What a shame, we were late for our dinner in Zakopane. Next we all got to our hotel rooms, where we had to unpack. The second day there was pretty boring, we all were so exhausted because of the long way we had to go throught. The next 3 days were amazing! We were hiking, skiing, and we bought some gifts for our family members, I got a snowball for my cousin, she couldn't go with us. The 2 last days weren't as that fun, we packed to come back to home. Finally  we ate our dinner, said bye to everyone we have met there, and go to the bus. I was asleep the whole time thought, so I don't rememeber anything at all. I loved it! I want to go there another time! Oh I have to go now, bye for now!


[twoje imie]


Chyba dobrze, sprawdz czy nie napisalam literowki przypadkiem tylko, bo ja nie widze XD