
Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań.
1. We went to Spain (żeby odwiedzić) our aunt
2. There were two mice
(w łazience)
3. This painter lived .... (w siedemnastym wieku).
4. We will eat some pizza
(w czwartek po południu).
5. He studied English (w. nocy) and he didn't go to sleep.
6. ...... (na Wielkanoc) we buy presents for all of our friends.
7. When it's warm I go to school ...... (rowerem).
8. My mum is not
(w domu) now
9. I spent last weekend
(u babci).
10. My cousin lives
(na północnym wybrzeżu) of Portugal.​

Odpowiedź :


1.We went to Spain  to visit our aunt.

2.There were two mice in the bathroom.

3.This painter lived  in the seventeenth century.

4.We will eat some pizza on Thursday afternoon.

5.He studied English in the night and he didn't. go to sleep.

6.On Easter we buy presents for all of our friends.

7.When it's warm I go to school by bike .

8.My mum is not at home.

9.I spent last weekend at my grandma's.

10. My cousin lives on the North Coast of Portugal.
