
Przeczytaj teksty (A-E). Uzupełnij dialogi
Ani z mamą, wpisując w każdą kratkę (1-4)
odpowiednią literę tekstu, z którego Ania
dowiedziała się o tym. Uwaga! Jeden tekst
nie pasuje do żadnej sytuacji.
Hi, I'm Lucy and I'm on
Did you know?
holiday in Canada. We're
The cabin has two bed-
staying in a log cabin and rooms, a kitchen, a liv-
it's fantastic. I've been here ing room and a bath-
for four nights and it's very room. It's quite small but
there's enough room for
Take care, Maja
all of us.
Hi Sam,
We went fishing. It
was a fantastic trip.
but the weather
was awful. How
about you?
Love, Ann
Hi Bartek,
Tomorrow we're going to go fishing.
We're going to catch some fish for
lunch! Yesterday we had a picnic
and dad took lots of photos. In
the evening we sometimes cook on
fire outside. This is an exciting
holiday. Take care, Jagoda
Hi Marta,
We've been to a national park twice. We went
there on Wednesday and Thursday and we saw
some bears. They were climbing trees.
Love, Basia
Do you
know where
they went?
Do you know
what they did
at the picnic?
Yes, I do.
I do.
Do you know
where they
are staying?
Do you know
what they saw
In the national
I do.
Yes, I do.

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