
prosze uzupełnic

1.Michael can ( grać na gitarze) ……………….and he is a great singer too.

2. I `ll meet you ( za 2 godziny) …………………….in the park Nivea.

3. Life is going to be tough because ( w tym tygodniu) ……………………..wracamy do szkoły

4. Yesterday I ( poprosiłem mojego przyjaciela aby)……………………………to send me the recipe for this amazing cake.

5. We can`t eat this dish because ( jesteśmy uczuleni na ) ………………………………..nuts.

6. We all enjoyed the party ( bardzo) ………………………………….and we are looking forward to the next one.

7. We don`t even know what ( wygląda chłopak Cathy) …………………………………….because we haven`t met him yet.

8. This woman ( mieszka tutaj) …………………………………….since 2012, so she already knows all her neighbours.

9. Jake looks old but actually ( ma tylko 25 lat) …………………………………..years old.

10. We have read about the women`s strike ( w internecie) ………………………………….and we support it.

11. George tried to be helpful but his advice ( po prostu nie ma sensu)

…………………………………………………….( 4 słowa)

12 Do you like ( słuchać muzyki) …………………………………………………..in your free time?

13. In my opinion Tom is ( ładniejszy niż) …………………………………………….Bolek.

14. ( Jak wielu ludzi ) ………………………………………………..think that watching Tv is a waste of time?

15. Why are they so interested ( ile pieniedzy) …………………………….They have saved so far?

16. I am going to ( pożyczyć) …………………………Michael my play station.

17. ( Gdzie byłeś) ……………………………….zeszłej nocy?

18. Why is Sue ( leży na ) ………………lying ………………………the floor with the ice on her forehead?

19. While I was walking to school ( miałam szczęście) ……………………………because I found some coins on the pavement.

20 Sonia ( chce pożyczyć) …………………………my laptop for one day.

21. If Steve( przyjedzie)…………………….I will cook dinner for him.

22. Everyone knows that you can ( polegać na ) ……………………………Robert because he always helps.

23. (Powoli przyzwyczajam się do życia )………………………………..in a big city.

24. This spring was ( najbardziej deszczowa) ……………………..one I have ever seen

25. Tom is the fittest boy in our class and he can run ( najszybciej ze wszystkich)

Odpowiedź :


1. play the guitar

2. in two hours

3. this week

4. i asked my friend

5. we are allergic

6. very much

7. Cathy's boyfriend looks like

8. lives here

9. is actually twenty five (25) years old

10. on the internet

11. just makes no sense

12. listening to music

13. prettier than

14. how much people

15. in how much money

16. borrow

17. where were you last night

18. laying on

19. i was lucky

20. wants to borrow

21 comes

22. rely on

23 im slowly getting used to living

24. the most rainy

25.fastest out of everyone



1. Micheal can play guitar....

2.I'll met you for two hours

3.beacose in this week

4....was please my friend to...

5.beacause we are alergic on

6....party really...

7.How looks cathy....

8.leaved Herę...

9.has just 25...

10.in the internet...


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