
Jak to powinno wyglądać w czasie present continuous? proszę pomóżcie 1. He
(oglada) TV now. 2. She (nie tanczy) at the moment 3 We (uczymy się) now. 4. Tom_(gra) basketball now..
5. Kate (czyta) a book in her room. 6. Adam
(odpczywa) in his room. 71
(nie jem) dinner at the
moment. 8. We
_(romawiamy) about holidays now. 9. We (czekamy) for a bus now. 10 He (pracuje) in the
garden now.​

Odpowiedź :

1. isn't watching
2. isn't dancing
3. are studying
4. is playing
5. is reading
6. is resting
7. isn't eating
8. are talking
9. are waiting
10. is working
He is watching Tv now
She isn’t dancing at the moment
We are learning now
Tom is playing basketball now
Kate is reading a book in her room
Adam is resting in his room
I’m not eating dinner at the moment
We are talking about holidays now
We are waiting for a bus now
He is working in the garden now