
1. przeczytaj o becky i odpowiedź na pytania.

1 When was Becky ill?

2 Where did she go?

3 Was she scared about her operation?

4 How long did she stay in hospital after her operation?

5 How did Becky say 'Thank you' to Great Ormond Street?

tekst w załączniku błagam o pomoc.

1 Przeczytaj O Becky I Odpowiedź Na Pytania1 When Was Becky Ill2 Where Did She Go3 Was She Scared About Her Operation4 How Long Did She Stay In Hospital After H class=

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: 1. Becky was ill last year

2. She went to Great Ormond Street Hospital

3. Becky was scared about the operation

4. For two weeks

5. She donated 546 euros to the hospital


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