Odpowiedź :
Odpowiedź: Mam nadzieję że pomogłam liczę na najjj
1. Wczoraj kupiłam nowe buty. I bought new shoes yesterday. Did you buy new shoes yesterday? I didn't buy new shoes yesterday.
2. Kilka dni temu dostałam nowy telefon. Na urodziny dostałam nowy telefon. I got a new phone for my birthday. Did you get a new phone for your birthday? I didn't get a new phone for my Birthday.
3. Dzisiaj wzięłam kanapki do szkoły. I took sandwiches to school today. Did you take sandwiches to school today?I didn't take sandwiches to school today.
4. Poszłam rano do sklepu. I went to the store in the morning. Did you go to the store in the morning?I didn't go to the store in the morning.
5. W piątek piałam z Mają. I wrote with Maja on Friday. Did you write with Maja on Friday?I didn't write with Maja on Friday.