
Znajdź 7 błędów (gramatycznych)

Also, archaeologists used to find evidence of ancient restaurants. The buildings would opening to the street and would had large kitchen areas in the back and service areas at the front. More amazing, however, is that these building wouldn't have any tables, chair or space to sit down. The service areas being at the front of the restaurants and, clearly, people use to walk up to the service area, order their food, pay for it and go. Much like our fast food restaurants today.

Proszę o szybką odpowiedź, Mjeks

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Also, archaeologists used to find evidence of ancient restaurants. The buildings would open to the street and would have large kitchen areas in the back and service areas at the front. More amazing, however, is that these buildings wouldn't have any tables, chairs or space to sit down. The service areas are at the front of the restaurants and, clearly, people used to walk up to the service area, order their food, pay for it and go. Much like our fast food restaurants today.