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Wybrałam temat 7 : Best kitchen equipment in the world
There's the top 10 of The Best Kitchen Equipment In The World
10. Danish cheese knife - thats knife special for cheese that look like normal knife with fold at end. This cheese knife make perfect cheese slices
9. Toaster - Toaster is making heats up bread
8. Coffee machine - Wanna wake up? No problem! Coffe machine do coffe like from cafeteria!
7. Waffle maker - Wanna eat yummy waffle? Just put waffle cake at waffle maker and close it. 1 2 3... finished!
6. Bread slicer - You can put brean in bread slicer and enjoy perfect bread slices
5. Cutlery - If you don't wanna be without manners better use that - but really everyone's MUST use that
4. Spice stand - Everyone use spice's so spice stand will help you at have clean kitchen
3. Kettle - You can make tea or coffe
2. Pan - You can fry something
1. Fridge - Put food into fridge if you wanna have fresh food longer