
BARDZO BŁAGAM O POMOC. Bardzo bardzo błagam. Bardzo teraz potrzebuje pomocy, nie rozumiem jak tut trochę robić

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

challenging,gruelling, intrepid, lethal, notorious,
remote, threatening , unsuccessful.

1 Some species of spider are____-one bite can kill you.
2 The tribe looked very____because all the
men were pointing weapons at us.
3 This road is____for accidents. It is a well-
known danger spot.
4 The maths exam was easy, but the biology exam was
5 The___________explorer crossed the river without
thinking about the dangers.
6 Professional soldiers have to do a long,___training course.
7 They live on a______island so they hardly
ever see anyone.
8 Jack's first attempt to climb Everest was______so he's going to try again.

Odpowiedź :


1. lethal

2. threatening

3. notorious

4.  challenging

5. intrepid

6. gruelling

7. remote

8. unsuccesful

Powinno być dobrze :)


1. lethal - śmiercionośne

2. threatening  - groźne

3. notorious - notoryczne

4. challenging - wymagające/ciężkie

5. intrepid - nieustraszony

6. gruelling - wyczerpujące

7. remote - odległe

8. unsuccessful - nieudane