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Today, Frank Hiller tells us about his school routine.
My school day starts at 8.30. We leave our coats and bags in our lockers, and then we go into our classrooms. My form tutor, Mr Granger, then gives us any important information about the day, and we hand in our homework. On Mondays, we go to assembly in the morning. The head teacher usually talks about the theme of the week, for example, kindness or hard work! You have to be very quiet when he's talking - if you make too much noise, you get detention. Our lessons start at 9.15. Our school year starts in September and ends in July. There are three terms in a school year. We usually get our reports in March, just before Easter break.
Assembly- zgromadzenie
Detention- odpowiednik "kozy" -> zostanie po karne po lekcjach
Homework- praca domowa
Lockers- szatnie
Reports- odpowiednik świadectwa
Teacher- nauczyciel
Terms- semestry
Tutor- wychowawca