
DAJE NAJ Z podanych wyrazów utwórz twierdzenia, pytania lub przeczenia w czasie FUTURE SIMPLE. Ułóż wyrazy we właściwej kolejności i dodaj inne wyrazy, jeśli to konieczne. __/5

1. his holiday / Tom / in France this year / spend .

2. astronauts / to Mars / one day / travel ?

3. not visit / the Earth / aliens / in the future .

4. go / my parents / this weekend / to the cinema .

5. study / English / you / tomorrow ?

Odpowiedź :


Tom will spend his holiday in France this year

Will austronaus travel to Mars one Day?

Aliens won't visit the Earth in the future

My parents won't go to the Cinema this weekend

Will you study English tomorrow?

tylko nie jestem pewna tego 3 ale powinno być ok


Tom spends his holiday in France this year.

Does astronauts will travel to Mars one day?

Aliesn doesnt visit the Eartj in the future.

I will go to the cinema with my parents this weekend.

Does you will study English tomorrow?