
Przetlumacz na j. angielski:
1. On wyczyścił buty.
2 Nauczycielka zamknęła okno.
3 Moja przyjaciółka była w USA.
Moj brat był w szpitalu.
5. Zjedlismy lunch w restauracji.
6. Spotkałem kolegę w centrum miasta.
Proszę na teraz​

Odpowiedź :


1 He has cleaned his shoes.

2 The teacher closed the window.

3 My friend has been to the USA.

4 My brother was in the hospital.

5. We ate dinner in a restaurant.

6. I met a friend in the city center.

1. He cleaned his shoes.

2 The teacher closed the window.

3 My friend has been to the USA.

My brother was in the hospital.

5. We ate lunch in a restaurant.

6. I met a friend in the city center.