Odpowiedź :
1. My dad drinks coffe every day.
Coffee is drunk by my dad every day
2. They don't make these cars in Japan.
These cars aren't made in Japan.
3. Our gardener waters these plants once a week.
These plants are watered by our gardener once a week.
4. This restaurant doesn't serve good food.
Good food isn't served in this restaurant.
5. Amy writes letters to her grandma once a month.
Letters are written by Amy to her grandma once a month.
6. My dad repairs cars in his garage.
Cars are repaired by my dad in his garage.
Strona bierna, czyli passive voice, używana jest wtedy, gdy ważniejsza jest czynność od wykonawcy lub gdy nie do końca wiemy, kto jest jej wykonawcą.
- Schemat zdań oznajmujących:
Podmiot + be w odpowiedniej formie i czasie + III forma czasownika + reszta zdania.