
dam najj!!!!!! potrzebuje na jutro!!!!!
jak dobrze wpaść na teście.
(5 zdań i te zdania mają być po Angielsku)
dammm najjjjjjj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Odpowiedź :


Wpaść to znaczy nie wypaść (czyli że olałeś sprawę)

Wypaść to znaczy nie wpaść (czyli że nie olałeś sprawy)

Nie może chodzić ci o to pierwsze bo wtedy nie robiłoby to nawet ani trochę sensu. Z tego co rozumiem szukasz porad na otrzymanie jakiejś dobrej oceny na teście.

If you want to get a good note on a test, then first of all, you will need to prepare yourself. Read informations in your student's book and all the notes in your notebook. Remember only the most important details.

You also need to remember, that it is a completly bad idea to learn just a day before a test. You do not have enough time this way and the result will be terrible.

Secondly, a very good idea is to get some sleep before a test (10 hours at least). This way, your brain is not going to be tired the next day, meaning you will work more efficiently.

And third, which is the stress. A few minutes before a test, do something relaxing. Do something that will let you forget about the stressfull things.

Trust me, it works.