
X4 60 back to the text and try to guess the meaning of the highlighted phrases trene
content. Compare your ideas with your partner,
Now match the phrases with their definitions/synonyms.
A contrived
B. w make an income
C in a bid to
a honest and telling the truth
b. to make someone believe th that is nostri
c. approval
d. the quality of being ordinan. common
e to draw in
f. artificial and difficult to believe
in suck m
1. candid
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Odpowiedź :


A. contrived (zmyślony) - f. artificial and difficult to believe

B. to make an income (zarabiać) - g. to earn money

C. in a bid to (zmierzać do czegoś) - h. in an atempt to

D. mundanity (pospolitość, przyziemność) - d. the quality of being ordinary, common

E. to suck in (wciągnąć) - e. to draw in

F. candid (szczery) - a. honest and telling the truth

G. validation (uprawomocnienie) - c. approval

H. to delude (zwodzić, mamić) - b. to make someone believe sth that is not true