
wybierasz sie na wycieczke do paryza na 2 tygodnie , napisz list do przyjaciela i powiedz mu co masz w planie robic w paryzu 120 słow pierwszym akapicie podajemy powód dla którego piszemy a w drugim o planach i zamiarach uzywamy csu Present

Odpowiedź :

Hello, Tommy!

How are things with you? I have some good news for you. I'm going to Paris, and I'm so excited about that trip.

I'm going to be in Paris for 2 weeks. Those 2 magical weeks will be awesome, and I can't wait to see the beauty of Paris. In Paris I want to see the Eiffel Tower, because it's a must for everyone who want to discover Paris, and this famous tower is a must. I also want to see Disneyland, because I have never been there since I was a child, and now I want to see it and have fun. Also, I want to spend the day at the beach. I would also swim in a boat en Seine. Also, I would love to try some French food. I want also to see the parks in Paris.

I can't wait for this trip. You know, when someone is at the big city, there's a lot of atractions.

Have you ever been to Paris? Write me back.

