Poproszę o pomoc w zadaniu z ang 1, 2,3,4,5 strona 52

Zadanie 1.
2. Have you bought the drinks?
3. Has John washed the vegetables?
4. Have we bought enough pasta?
5. Have your aunts brought the dessert?
Zadanie 2.
2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b
Zadanie 3.
2. Have Milie and Rob backed cake?
3. Has Milie used all the sugar?
4. Have Pi and doctor Q had their show on TV?
Zadanie 4.
2. never, 3. ever, 4. has 5. you 6. No 7. Has 8. has
Zadanie 5.
2. Have you ever won a competition?
No,i haven't.
3. Has my best friend cooked at my house?
Yes, he has.
4. Have you ever drunk fresh lemonade?
No, I haven't.