
Exercise 1 Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. ………..jokesarereallyfunny. Youshouldread tchem whenI’vefinished. a These b This c Those
2. Is………… yourcalculator? A those b this c these
3. ……………was the bestice – creamever. It was delicious! A That b These c Those
4. …………….programme we watchedyesterday was terrible? AThose b This c That
5. Lookat …………..cloudsabove the mountain . I thinkit’sgoing to snow. A those b that c these
6. Come and lookat …………animals in thiscage. A this b these c that
7. ……………ishishouse, I’msureit’s not that one. A those b this c that
8. …………….shoesoverthereare much nicer. A That b ThosecThese
9. Is ………..the bestcafe in town? It’s not very nice here. A this
B that c these
10. Is …………. One herenicer? A this b these c those
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