
OPEN TASK Uzupełnij luki w poniższych
minidialogach (1-4) tak, aby otrzymać logiczne
i spójne wypowiedzi. Odpowiedzi zapisz
w zeszycie.
1 X: Excuse me, how far is it from here to
the nearest shopping centre?
Y: It's quite far. If I were you, I
the Underground.
2 X: Do you think I
a jacket and
an umbrella for my Edinburgh holidays?
Y: It seems like a good idea. It always rains
in Scotland. And you're going in the autumn,
3 X: How do I get to the football stadium?
Y: Just turn right and
on - you'll
see it on your right. There's a nice souvenir
shop next to the stadium, if you're interested.
4 X: Oh, no! I have to wait half an hour for a bus!
I'll miss my train to London!
a good idea to go by taxi -
there's a taxi rank round the corner.​