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Tematyka ekologiczna

Napisz swoje przesłanie do ludzi na ziemi.

problem Ziemi i problem ludzi

sformułuj własny przekaz ekologiczny

Odpowiedź :


Dear Pepole of Earth,

In this letter I'm asking you to stop for a moment and think about what our planet have become in the last couple decades. Not recycling our wastes and burning fossil fuels have made a huge impact on our planet. Great pacific plastic patch is the size of Poland, and climat change is creating more and more extreme weather. Nowadays we have only very hot or very hot days , nothing in between. Drought is making groceries more and more exspensive.

I am asking you to stop what were you doing and think for a moment. Is this convenient life filled with plastic really worth it. Do we really want to sacrifice our planet to live more pleasant life? There is always time to stop. Maybe a one person won't change the whole world, but if everyone would live a more eco life, our planet wouldnt be in such dramatic state. We can also protest. Make goverment force big corporations to to stop polluting earth. We can sign petitions.

Togeher we can change the world for better!

