
Jesteś „fortune teller”. Wywróż koleżance/koledze przyszłość. Zastosuj future simple. 10 zdań z czasownikiem will, 10 zdań z czasownikiem won’t.


Odpowiedź :

1. You will be rich.

2. You will have big house.

3. You will love your job.

4. Your hair will be very long.

5. Your family will support you everytime.

6. You will have three dogs and one cat.

7. You will live next to the sea.

8. You will travel round the world.

9. You will get married.

10. You will have two kids.

1. You won't be sad.

2. You won't learn how to play the piano.

3. You won't be a model.

4. You won't have a lizard.

5. Your family won't be poor.

6. Your job won't be very hard.

7. You won't have a daughter.

8. Your children won't have bad grades.

9. You won't live in Poland.

10. You won't visit Australia.