
. Do you want to come to Poland, but you don't know what to see ?! I'll tell you! Many people come to the Palace of Culture and Science, there are many attractions, exhibitions and the like. There is even a viewing point at the Center. Another place is the Old Town in Warsaw. They sell glowing toys there in the evening. There are many monuments and a lot of people, but it's a very popular place. I hope I encouraged you and you will come to this beautiful country. PROSZE ZEBY TEN TEKST KTOŚ NAPISAŁ TAK JAK SIE MOWI BO MUSZĘ TO NAGRAC I POPRAWIĆ TAK JAK MA GO MÓWIĆ CHŁOPAK

Odpowiedź :

Du jou łont tu kom tu Poland, bat jou dont knoł łat tu si ?! I ll tel jou! Mani pipul kom tu de Plejs of Cultur and Science, der ar mani atrejszyn, exhibitions(nie wiem) and de lajk. der is ewent a łiwing pońt at de Kenter. Anoder plejs is de Old Tołn in łorsoł. dej sel glołing tojs der in de ewening. der ar mani monuments and a lot of pipul, bat its a wery popular plejs. I hołp I encouraged(nie wiem) jou and jou łil kom to dys bjutiful kontry. Der is also Wrocław łith a lardż zoo! Kraków, der ar mani monuments!