
Koleżanka ze Szkocji pyta Cię w e-mailu o to, jak wygląda życie rodzinne w Polsce. W e-mailu do niej:

opisz, jak duża jest twoja rodzina; napisz, jak spędzacie wspólnie czas; poinformuj o niedawnej uroczystości rodzinnej, w której brałeś/brałaś udział.

E-mail powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 słów.

Hi Judy,

It’s nice to hear from you. Let me tell a few things about family life in Poland. one

was a big​

Odpowiedź :

Hi Weronika, How are you? Thanks for your last e-mail.

I live with my parents and sister.

My last event was my sister’s birthday. She turned 16 on that Day. It was last weekend. My sister got a lot of nice gifts. We ate delicious cake, Dance and sang songs. She had a lot of guest and it was great fun. Later we Cook spaghetti and had it for dinner and it was Wery tasty! In the evening, all the guests went home and my sister and I watched a movie. It was a great day!

You told me about your project. Maybe I can send you some other materials. Do you need help with it?

I hope to hear from you soon

Take care!

xyz (twoje imię)