
1. Zakreśl właściwe słowa, aby uzupełnić zdania
1. John told/said that i should ask you for some help.
2. This is a/the first time I've ever seen a dolphin.
3. Ken admitted to steal/stealing the bicycle from our garden.
4. My dad's in -/the bed, because he has broken his leg.
5. Provided/If that you're very quiet, you'll see a fox in the garden.
6. Let's go to the museum after school, do/shall we?
7. You need to have a/the rest before we continue the journey.
8. I asked Fran where she had been the day before/last day.
2. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników podanych w nawiasach.
1. I ... (not see) Pete for 10 years before the party last night.
2. If I ... (have) the money, I would lend it you!
3. Tea can ... (drink) with or without milk.
4. The teacher asked me if I ... (do) all my homework.
5. My boots ... (repair) at the moment.
6. Sorry I'm late. I ... (browse) on my computer.
7. Unless he changes his policies, people ... (vote) for him.
8. I'd rather ... (go) to the vegetarian restaurant, if you don't mind.
3. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami.
1. ... I hadn't done much revision, I ... still answer most of the question.
2. It rained ... hard that the main street ... floded in minutes.
3. Go right through. Matthew's in ... garden, having ... break from computer.
4. I filled in the form as carefully ... I could, but I still made a ... mistakes.
5. Jack's family has moved to France, ... his dad has got ... new job there.
6. ... I knocked on Tony's door, ... answered, so I went away.
7. The teacher ... encouraged me the most ... my French teacher, Mrs Samuels.
8. Pamela ... me why I was always late when we ... a spelling test.
4. Dokończ zdania, używając podanych wyrazów, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.
1. I can't do any more research project, because I haven't got the time. (IF)
I would do some more research ...
2. I'm sure Jake is at the leisure centre, because he said he wanted to go swimming. (BE)
Jake said he wanted to go swimming, so ...
3. Our new house is much bigger than our previous one. (AS)
Our previous house ...
4. 'How much is spent on space exploration?' asked Emily. (WANTED)
Emily ...
5. It isn't necessary for you to buy me a big present for my birthday. (NEED)
You ...
6. A very good surgeon is going to do Kate's operation. (DONE)
Kate's operation ...
7. People are asking question about cheating in the election (BEING)
Questions ...
8. Why can't we eat our sandwitches in the classroom? (ALLOWED)
Why ... ?
5. Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski.
1. Zastanawiałem się, czy podoba Ci się ta książka, którą Ci pożyczyłem.
2. Szef powiedział, że będę mógł wyjść pod warunkiem, że skończę mój raport.
3. Nie jestem pewna, gdzie poszedł Jonas, ale może być w banku.
4. Gdymym miał rok wolnego, pojechałbym na wyprawę, żeby zobaczyć góry lodowe na Arktyce.
5. Nie wolno nam nikomu powiedzieć otym, co Josie powiedziała dziś po południu.
6. O tej porze w przyszłym tygodniu będę świętować moje urodziny z całą rodzina.

Odpowiedź :


1. John said

2. This is the first time

3. Ken admitted to steal

4. My dad's in the bed

5. If that you're very quiet

6. Let's go to the museum after school, shall we?

7. You need to have the rest before

8. I asked Fran where she had been the day before.

Zad 2

1. I didn't see Peter for 10 years

2. If I have had

3. Tea can drunk

4. The teacher asked me if I have done all my homework.

5. My boots has repaired

6. Sorry I'm late. I have browsed

7. Unless he changes his policies, people haven't voted

8. I'd rather have gone

Trochę tego dużo:/


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