
Mieszkańcy Stanów do szczupłych nie naleją. Rozkład posiłków
w ciągu dnia wygląda następująco: śniadania albo nie jedza, albo
jedzą coś niewielkiego. Między godziną 11 a 13 mają lunch, ale nie
jest to coś takiego jak Polskie drugie śniadanie, bo lunch u nich
często podaje się na ciepło (np. pizze). Wieczorem (18-20) jedzą
podobny posilek do obiadokolacji. Przeważnie zamawiają dania
do domu bądź wyruszają w miasto, bardzo rzadko gotuja, co
sprawiło, że aż 33,3% mexiczyzn i 35,8% kobiet w Stanach
Zjednoczonych jest otyła. Amerykanie słyną ze spożywania Fast
Foodsi dużych porcji jedzenia. Mieszkańcy USA są na drugim
miejscu pod względem ilości kalorii. Polska mimo wszystko też nie
ma czym się chwalićjeśli chodzi o codzienną diete. Mimo
wzrostu liczby spożywanych kalorií na przestrzeni 50 lat z 3000
do 3500 kalorii to i tak Amerykanie spożywają wiecej Fast Foods.
Zaobserwowano w wcześniejszych latach lawinowy wzrost
zachorowań na otyłość, takze u dzieci (co piąte dziecko w wieku
szkolnym ma nadwage).​

Odpowiedź :

Residents of the States will not be slim. Meal schedule

during the day it looks like this: either you don't eat breakfast or

they eat something small. They have lunch between 11am and 1pm, but not

it is something like a Polish lunch, because they have lunch with them

they are often served warm (e.g. pizzas). In the evening (18-20) they eat

a similar meal to dinner. Mostly they order dishes

go home or go out into town, very rarely cook what

made as many as 33.3% of men and 35.8% of women in the United States

United is obese. Americans are famous for eating Fast

Foods and large portions of food. US residents are in second place

in terms of calories. Poland does not, after all

has a lot to be proud of when it comes to the daily diet. Despite

increase in the number of calories consumed over 50 years from 3,000

to 3,500 calories, Americans consume more Fast Foods anyway.

Avalanche growth was observed in the previous years

falling ill with obesity, also in children (every fifth child at the age of



Residents of the States will not be slim. Meals

during the day it looks like this: breakfast either does not eat or

they eat something small. They have lunch between 11am and 1pm, but not

it is something like a Polish lunch, because they have lunch with them

they are often served warm (e.g. pizzas). In the evening (18-20) they eat

Meal bench for half board. Mostly they order dishes

go home or go out into town, very rarely cook what

made as many as 33.3% of mexicals and 35.8% of women in the United States

United is obese. Americans are famous for eating Fast

Foodsi great servings of servings. US residents are in second place

space under the amount of calories. Poland does not, after all

has a lot to be proud of when it comes to the daily diet. Despite

increase in the number of calories consumed over 50 years from 3,000

to 3,500 calories, Americans consume more Fast Foods anyway.

Avalanche growth was observed in the previous years

falling ill with obesity, also in children (every fifth child at the age of
