
przeczytaj e-mail od Sally do koleżanki,z którą koresponduje. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem z ramki
ramka: badge collection desk floor got have he key rings laptop magazines shelves you
Hello i'm Sally and i love my bedroom because i can do lots of things in itand i'm happy there! After school, I always do my homework at my _______. In the evening, I watch videos on my ________. i haven't got lamp, but i've got a big window. I love dinosaurs and i've got a cool ________. I like to play with them. My sister hasn't ________ any dinosaurs, but she's got a big collection of ________ because she loves reading. What's your favourite room? what have _______ got in your room?
te kreski_ to miejsce na wpisanie słów z ramki.
zaraz mam lekcje angielskiego pomocy!