
Przeczytaj fragment rozmowy
w restauracji. Uzupełnij luki 1-4 tak, aby
tekst był spójny i logiczny. Wykorzystaj
słowa podane w nawiasach, nie zmieniając
ich formy.

X: How was everything?
Y: Great, especially that green-tea nice. It's the first
time I've been to a Japanese restaurant.
X: I'm glad you liked it. What '(like)_____________
dessert? We've got green tea cake and green-tea
ice cream
Y: 2(recommend)_________
X: They're both very good.
Y: % (have)___________
the cake ... and the
ice cream then.
X: Of course.
Y: And * (bring)___________
another green tea, please?
It's delicious
X: Certainly, sir.​

Odpowiedź :


X: How was everything?

Y: Great, especially that green-tea nice. It's the first

time I've been to a Japanese restaurant.

X: I'm glad you liked it. What would you like for dessert? We've got green tea cake and green-tea ice cream.

Y: What do you reccommend?

X: They're both very good.

Y: I'll have the cake... and ice cream then.

X: Of course.

Y: And can you bring another green tea, please? It's delicious.

X: Certainly, sir.​

1. What would you like for dessert?

2. What do you reccommend?

3. I'll have

4. can you bring