Daje 100 punktów i naj jeśli ktoś zrobi te 2 zadania

modern, soup, salt, course, delicious, meal,dessert, service, bill, prizes
I'm going to the dentist with my mother.
My room is very small but comfortable
This cup of coffee is not hot enough
The lunch break in our school starts at half past twelve
Is there any milk in the fridge?
Most of my friends go to the swimming lessons after school
Bardzo proszę, nauka popłaca- więc good luck i naucz się tych słówek- serio, przydadzą się :)
1 Im going to the dentist with my mum
2 My room is small but very comfortable
3 This cup of cafe is not enough hot
4 The lunch break in our school starts at half past twelve
5 Is there any milk in the fridge?
6 Most of my friends go to the swimming lessons after school