
1. It ............(rain) when we .............(go out).
2. When I ..........(get) to the office, they ..........(work).
3. The phone .........(ring) while Sue .........(cook) dinnewr.
4. Tom...........(look out) of the window when the accident ........(happen).
5. I.............(finish) lunch and ...........(leave) the restaurant.
6. When he ..........(repair) the car, it ..........(start) to rain.
7. While Adam ............(print) his essay, the printer ...........(break) down.
8. I ...........(open) the door beecause it was hot.
9. We ............(walk) down the street when we .............(see) Alice.
10. When the ambulance ..............(come), Ellen ..........(wait) near her mum.