
proszę na szybko

A. Uzupełnij zdania w czasie Present Simple:
1.Suzan chodzi do szkoły .
Suzan .......... to school.
2. Marek codziennie słucha wiadomości w radio.
Mark …………………………to news on the radio every day
3.Czy ty lubisz truskawki?
4.Steven zazwyczaj wstaje o 8 rano
Steven usually ……………………………………………………………………………up at 8 in the morning.
5. Ona nie pije kawy
She…………………………………………………………………………………………………... drink coffe.
B. Uzupełnij zdania w czasie Present Continous:
1.Greg właśnie ogląda telewizję.
Greg …………………………………………………………………………………………………..….TV at the moment.

2.Mary i Kate właśnie odrabiają pracę domową
Mary and Kate ……………………………………………………………………………………….their homework now.

3. On nie czyta książki w tej chwili.
……………………………………………………………………………………….the book at the moment.
4. Czy oni teraz rozwiązują test?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..the test now?

C. Do każdego ze zdań ułóż pytanie i przeczenie. Przetłumacz zdania
1. She is watching TV. Ona ogląda telewizję
She isn't watching tv.
Is she watching tv?
2. My parents are listening to music.

3. I'm playing a computer game.

4. Steve likes tomatoes.

5. They sometimes visit their grandmother.

6. She never does her math homework.

D. Present Simple vs. Present Continous. Podkreśl właściwe I przetłumacz zdania:
What sort of work do you do/ are you doing?

I can't talk now. I wait/ I are waiting/ I am waiting for important call.

Can I borrow your pen? Or are you using it/ do you use it/ use it now.

Go straight. Then turn/ turing left.

Are you waiting / do you wait/ You wait for the bus to London?

John always looks/ looking/ are looking untidy. [he always wears the same shirt]
E. Zapytaj o podkreśloną część zdania:
Przykłady: They are playing footbal this week. -> When are they playing football?
She eats chips every day. -> What does she eat every day?
1. My father wakes up at six.
2. Bill earns 800 zł per week.
3. They have three dogs.
4. Tom is taking part in a race tomorrow.
5. I'm playing basketball now.

Odpowiedź :


Zad 1

1. Suzan goes to school

2.Mark listens to news on radio every day

3. Do you like strawberries?

4. Steven usually wakes up at 8 in the morning

5. She doesnt drink coffe

Zad 2

1. Greg is watching TV at the moment

2. Mary and Kate are doing their homework now

3. She isn't reading the book at the moment

4. Are they doing the test now?

Zad 3

2. Are your parents listening to music?

My parents arent listening to music

3. Are you playing computer game?

I'm not playing computer game

4. Does Steve like tomatoes?

Steve doesnt like tomatoes

5. Do they sometimes visit their grandmother?

They dont visit their grandmother sometimes.

6. Is she never doing her math homework?

She is always doing her homework


2. Moi rodzice słuchają muzyki.

3. Gram w grę komputerową.

4. Steve lubi pomidory

5. Oni czasami odwiedzaja swoją babcię.

6. Ona nigdy nie odrabiamy zadań/prac domowych z matematyki.

Zad 4

1. are you doing?

2. I am waiting

3. are you using it

4. turn

5. are you waiting?


1. Jaką pracę robisz/wykonujesz?

2. Nie mogę teraz rozmawiać. Czekam na ważny telefon.

3. Czy mogę pożyczyć twój długopis? Czy ty go używasz?

4. Idź prosto.A później pójdź/skręć w lewo.

5. Czy czekasz na autobus do Londynu?

Zad 5

1. When is your dad waking up?

2. How much cash does Bill get per week?

3. How many dogs do they have?

4. In what is Tom taking a part?

5. What are you playing now?


mam nadzieję że pomogłam ^^