j ang kl 7 SZYBKOO
dam naj za dobre odp

1. My pizza is made with the best ingredients.
2. My pizza was made only with these ingredients.
3. This homework is made by a stranger.
4. Where was this picture taken?
5. When was this picture taken?
6. My cookie is going to be eaten by the Cookie Monster.
7. This house is built with bricks.
8. This building was built in 2019.
9. This temple was destroyed in 1998.
10. When is the road going to be finished.
1. The new shoes were scratched by a cat.
2. The cat is fed very rarely by her.
3. Everything is painted pink by my friend.
4. New car was bought by her.
5. Old car was sold by him.
6. The grandparents were visited by us.
7. Delicious dinner was cooked by him.
8. My lunch was eaten by someone.
9. The room wasn't cleaned by someone.
10. Who was your homework stolen by?
(w Z.2 nie jestem pewna 10)