
Zrób z tego stronę bierną
(może być też podlinkowanie jakieś stronki co tak robi)
22 punkty!

18. He has found a homeless dog.
19. They were eating beef sandwiches.
20. She had spoilt the construction.
21. I drank two glasses of lemonade.
22. A thief was following us.
23. Somebody will buy this house.
24. She will finish this work.
25. She is looking for a new job.
26. I will think about this question tomorrow.
27. My mother looks after the house.
28. He writes very interesting books.
29. I have already sent those letters.
30. Someone found this dog yesterday.
31. I always use a dictionary.

Odpowiedź :


18. A homeless dog has been found by him.

19. Beef sandwiches were eaten.

20. The construction had been spoilt.

21. Two glasses of lemonade were drunk.

22. We were followed.

23. This house will be bought.

24. This work will be finished.





29. Those letters have been already sent.

30. This dog was found.

31. A dictionary is always used.

szczerze, nie jestem pewna xD

18. A homeless dog has been found
19. Beef sandwiches were eaten
20. The construction had been spoilt
21. Two glasses of lemonade was drunk
22. We were followed by a thief
23. This house will be bought
24. This work will be finished
25. A new job is looked for by her (nw czy dobrze)
26. This question will be thought tomorrow
27. The house is looked after by my mum (tez nw czy dobrze)
28. Very interesting books are written by him
29. Those letters have been already sent by me
30. This dog was found yesterday
31. A dictionary is always used by me
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