proszę pomóżcie na teraz zad 3,4,5,6 plis

Zad. 3.
1. you will get
2. it rains
3. doesn't hand in
Zad. 4.
1. will hurt if you don't wear trainers
2. pass his violin exam if he doesn't practise his technique
3. join the cookery club, I'll learn how to make my favourite dish
4. are absent from school, our form tutor will call our parents
5. get a place in the dance club if he doesn't fill in the form
Zad. 5.
1. fell sick
2. get wet
3. is dark
4. get seven
5. get hungry
6. hides under the bed
Zad. 6. jest indywidualne, musisz odpowiedzieć według siebie, nie ma określonej jednej odpowiedzi.