
Uszereguj wyrazy aby powstała poprawna wypowiedź w stronie biernej

1. Harry Potter novels by written were Rowling

2. time What lunch served time is ?

3. The cleaned hotel every are rooms evening.

4. given twice My is brother month money a.

5. When built Malbork Castle was ?
będe bardzo wdzięczna jakby ktoś pomógł ,błaagam

Odpowiedź :


Harry Potter novels were written by Rowling

What time is lunch served

the hotel rooms are cleaned every evening

my brother is given money twice a month

when was malborg castle built


1. Harry Potter novels were written by Rowling
2. What time is lunch served?
3. The hotel rooms are cleaned every evening
4. My brother is given money twice a week
5. When Malbork Castle was built?