
3 Popatrz na obrazki i wybierz poprawne
Big AI
1 Rocco's painting is bigger than /
the biggest Big Al's painting, but Carla's
painting is bigger / the biggest of all.
2 Big Al's picture and Carla's picture are
better than / the best Rocco's picture.
His painting isn't good! I think it is
worse than / the worst.
3 I think Big Al is funnier than / the funniest
artist of all. His picture is more interesting /
the most interesting than Carla's picture.​

3 Popatrz Na Obrazki I Wybierz PoprawneodpowiedziRoccoCarlaBig AI1 Roccos Painting Is Bigger Than The Biggest Big Als Painting But Carlaspainting Is Bigger The class=