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What time does the centre close on Wednesday?
Lucy's blog
Last week, I went to the Owl Conservation
Centre. It was great fun! You can see hundreds of
species of owls there. The centre is open Monday
to Saturday 10-4 p.m. and closes at 3p.m. on
Sundays. Many of the owls are endangered, so the
2 What is the main threat to owls?
centre protects them. The centre provides a safe
place for the owls from around the world to live.
Some of the owls are very friendly. You can even
touch them, but you mustn't feed them. Visitors
learn about each of the species. They see what the
owls need to live and what they eat. Some people
hunt owls, but the most dangerous threat to owls
is deforestation. This is because owls need forests 3 What can you see at night at the centre?
to live. You can also see other birds at the centre,
like eagles, and at night you can see bats. You can
watch the birds fly at different times during the
day. At 11 a.m. you can watch the owls fly, at 3:30
p.m. the eagles, and at 8 p.m. you can see bats
flying. There's a café at the centre where people
can enjoy a delicious meal. There are sandwiches,
snacks, soup and cakes. On Sunday, there's a
4 What can you eat at the café on a week day?
special lunch with your choice of meat, potatoes
and vegetables or fish and chips. Next Sunday, I'm
going there with my family again. I can't wait!
threat - zagrażac
deforestation - deforestacja
(wycinanie, niszczenie lasów)